We aim to help women unleash their fullest potential.


We aim to ignite consciousness in as many people as possible to create a better world. This young generation is highly intuitive, sensitive, and special. They are coming during this awakening wave because they are meant to transform Earth. We can set them up for success by becoming conscious parents.

We believe life can be extraordinary by altering our thinking and awakening our true selves.

Freedom lies in knowing, appreciating, valuing, and loving oneself.

We reveal truths that enable women to walk away feeling enriched and profoundly impacted. We believe that by embracing our inner power, we can become the heroes of our histories.

We strive to bring you closer to your dream life by helping you find the confidence to be yourself. Even when you felt shattered inside, you were never broken.

Group coaching works because there is power in numbers. When you relate to others going through the same problems, the burst of successful energy is contagious. As you witness others getting their desired outcomes, your certainty of achieving your goals increases. In addition, the transformational experience takes on a whole new level by making each other accountable for taking action.

We are all stronger, braver, and more capable than we imagine. Having someone in our corner reminding us helps to get results faster.


 “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you’ll call it fate.”

—Carl Jung


From The Founder

Over ten years ago, I answered my call to be a healer. My career in nursing progressed until I realized that I wanted more than to affect one’s body. Coaching allows me to assist people in every aspect of a client’s life: mind, emotions, spirit, body and environment. The idea for creating BookDom came from realizing how much books have helped me reinvent myself. I believe in the power of the written word, especially when accompanied by immersive inner work.

After many years of marriage, I realized I had lost my identity and had become someone else. I felt weak, afraid, and overwhelmed by shyness. The solid and self-confident person I had been was gone, and a conformed woman stood in its place. So I escaped into books to find a strength that I didn’t even know to look for. Reading about powerful heroines that get up every time life punches them down has helped me rekindle the spark inside of me. Coaching, self-awareness, and deep inner work have set the stage for self-acceptance and opened the doors for my spiritually conscious and aligned connections. Weaving back the most important of those, the one we have with our souls, became my work’s focus.

It’s been a long, healing journey. Still, it has been fantastic in its beauty. I’ve suffered, but I’ve conquered. I’ve healed, and I’ve helped others to do so as well. Today I am a successful, strong, and fulfilled woman who enjoys life. I’ve found balance with using my masculine energy in my professional growth while fully embodying my Feminine Divine Energy in my personal life. I have an incredible son and a loving and supportive partner, and I am comfortable being myself. I wish you to find your path to a life where your goals are attainable and filled with happiness. Thus BookDom and Follow Your Path Coaching were born.

Coach BB - evolved NLP practitioner

berenice brito, MCLC, RN, msn

pen name: BB Lucas