Discover how the“Quantum Time Release” is your getaway to wipe the slate clean, unlock supreme levels of freedom, and release what is weighting you down from the past.

The Quantum Time Release is a powerful and enigmatic method that holds the key to unlocking your deepest potential, enabling you to achieve profound personal transformation and unlock your greatest aspirations.

And how it works is actually really simple…

You see, every moment of our lives is stored in our bodies, in our subconscious, from the emotions we feel to the experiences we’ve encountered. 

Sometimes, these memories can cause us to feel stuck in patterns that prevent us from living the life we truly desire. 

Quantum Time Release is the key to breaking these patterns. It's like hitting the reset button on our lives, unlocking new levels of consciousness, and unleashing the energy we need to manifest the life we want. 

By embarking on this journey of personal transformation, you can become the entrepreneur of your destiny, bravely fighting to free yourself and be who you genuinely want to be.

As someone who has been in your shoes, let me tell you that nothing beats feeling truly confident in your skin.

Now that I've harnessed Quantum Power in my transformation, I made it my mission to dedicate every single day to assisting people like you in reaching their true potential.

You don’t have to go through endless cycles of doing things incorrectly.

By believing in this process and immersing yourself in it for 3 hours, you’ll notice incredible TRANSFORMATION where holistic well-being is the primary outcome.

How Quantum Time Release Works:

Quantum Time Release is a process of taking you through your timeline, where unconsciously you have the power to move from past experiences peacefully and painlessly - we stay away from the event’s content - just gathering the learnings and releasing the emotional charge attached to the experiences themselves.

You don’t stop feeling or become numb.

This process is fantastic because whenever you feel those emotions in the future, you do not trigger the whole chain of events that came before.

Activating those chains causes your response to these feelings acute and sometimes debilitating.

Therefore, the freedom to move on according to your true self is yours.


But first, let me explain my "why" to you.

When I started coaching I had a woman in mind…

She is a woman who wants so much more. She longs to feel loved, heard and cared for. She desires a sense of empowerment, to know that she is valued and loved by someone deserving of her and that she matters. She craves nurturing strong and fulfilling connections with those in her world. She wishes to be able to finally express herself. Despite her inner turmoil, she seeks emotional stability and a sense of inner peace.

she is a woman who

  • strives to overcome self-doubt and trauma to convey confidence, exude positivity and set an example for otHERS.

  • She seeks to take total control of her life and believes the first step to healing is self-love and self-care.

  • Done with being angry at herself and wanting to trust her judgment and embrace her self-worth while looking to create a concrete positive self-image.

  • She seeks to be driven by purpose and passion and is eager to create a fulfilling life for herself and her loved ones.

  • Aspiring to be a force that influences the world and makes her reality instead of allowing the world to control her.


I knew she would question her ability to move forward with life while harboring so much trauma.

I knew she was looking for answers in all the wrong places, tending to overanalyze every situation and see herself solely through a negative lens because I did.

I knew she would default to being mad at herself because she couldn’t prevent abuse from happening to her. After all, I did that too.

I knew I could help her find exactly what she was looking for clarity on overcoming damaging trauma and unlocking the secret to waking up every day super motivated, ready to take over the world without settling...

And so I did, and I have.

I've completely transformed my perception of the past, and now I’m using it as rocket fuel, pushing me to seize every new day with both hands.

I believe so deeply in the processes I use because I know it works for every.single.woman who is ready to do things differently and seeks to take complete control of her life.

My goal is to transform how your past affects you so you can propel yourself to a better and more fulfilling future. 

And in the past, I've been through it all…

As a nurse, I have helped many patients achieve wellness. As my knowledge grew holistically, I realized we are so much more than our bodies. Our Minds, Emotions, and Spirits make up our Physical Realities.

That's why I'm dedicated to guiding you to optimal whole health. I teach you how to find the answers within yourself. 

I teach you to trust yourself to lead your most authentic, fulfilling, and abundant life (guilt and apology free).

Most of all, I help you enjoy the journey each step along the way so you don’t have to wait for your best life to begin.

I am giving you a fresh chance to write the story of the perfect future. And the truth is: women who invest in themselves go further, faster. Period.

There is no right time; there will never be a perfect day. Today is a beautiful day to begin building your someday life (instead of just dreaming about it).

Think about all you have lost already for not knowing yourself without the pain, shame, and anguish you carry inside. 

Hi, my name is Berenice, please call me BB!
And in the past, I've been through it all…

Emotional abuse from my father, abandonment issues, verbal abuse from an ex-spouse, and narcissistic abuse in a bygone relationship.

I even suffered sexual abuse as a child.

The last one has colored my entire life and made me miss out on so much. I had to grow up so fast and lost the chance to experience life as I should have.

I want to help others who are going through their own traumas. There’s no age limit to healing, and it’s never too late to start.

Whether you’re a young woman just starting out in life or an older woman who’s been through it all, the time to focus on yourself is now.

If you're struggling with your own past traumas, know that you’re not alone. And with the right mindset and support, you can overcome anything.

I never thought one little discovery could change my entire life

During my past marriage, I lost my sense of self and became a meek and apprehensive individual. 

Public speaking would cause tachycardia, a rapid heartbeat, to race through my body, leaving me feeling weak and embarrassed. But that was then until I experienced the benefits of the Quantum Time Release.

I've experienced a tremendous shift in confidence and a complete turnaround. I'm now unafraid to put myself out there and share my innermost thoughts and secrets with my audience. 

The most remarkable thing is that I do it comfortably, without hesitation. I've always believed in the power of personal growth, but QTR took that to a whole new level for me.

Think of the Quantum Process™ as a key that can unlock hidden doors in your mind. These doors hold onto old beliefs and feelings that may be causing you pain and holding you back. 

By leveraging this technique efficiently, you can access these hidden doors and release the negative emotions and beliefs that no longer serve you. 

It's like taking a heavy backpack off your shoulders and feeling free to move forward efficiently.

I finally became in control. My heart rate is steady, and I no longer feel like my pulse is pounding in my ears. 

I can think clearly, formulate intelligent sentences, and control my tone, pitch, and intonation. My posture, line of sight, and overall presentation are all under my control.

Even my sex life has improved tremendously now that Shame no longer hinders me.

For many years, I’ve unknowingly hidden my Anger deep inside myself. I thought I couldn’t be as loving as I am while getting angry. I didn’t allow myself to express it, so it took control of me when it came out. I used to get super mad at my son and lose control. Any little thing would upset me, and I would blow up. The person I loved the most was the one that suffered the most. After my QTR, I’ve been able to act instead of react whenever something happens to me. Now, I no longer blow up in anger. I’ve become a better mother after my QTR session.

Looking back on my journey, I'm amazed at how far I've come. It's incredible to know I've overcome my Fear and regained my confidence.

I now use my extensive knowledge and experience with the Quantum Time Release to help you overcome your past in a fraction of the time it would traditionally take.


Don't just take my word for it, hear what others are saying.

  • “I released emotions and Limiting Beliefs that have held me back my entire life. I cried and I laughed because a huge weight was released from my chest. By working with her, I went from feeling stuck and without a way out, to having the certainty that I needed to release old beliefs to get where I wanted to be in my life. The release was so powerful yet so peaceful. I felt like a huge weight was off my chest when it was done. I have felt so much freedom since. Now, I’m free to be me without anything holding me back!“


  • “I have felt different since BB guided me through the process. She is such a unique soul! She was so caring, sweet, and insightful during the whole process. I was amazed by how I felt after it was done. I couldn’t believe I had so much fear inside of me, but now it’s gone. I’m finally able to do things that I couldn’t do before. The learnings I’ve received are so meaningful to me. Thank you”


  • “I cannot believe I've lived with so much shame inside myself for so long. I had an insane amount of humiliation inside of me due to my past trauma. Now that's gone, and I've found balance. After I released all that in my session, my self-worth and sex life had a tremendous boost. I no longer diminish my pleasure by feeling self-conscious about myself or my body. My partner is now incredibly proud of how he makes me feel when we are intimate.”


If you are ready to get to know yourself without anger, fear, shame, and other “negative” feelings you carry inside. 

And you’re ready to use your past experiences as an unfair advantage and fuel to achieve personal transformation…

Allow me to nurse you back to health!

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